Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Looking for a better quality of life for children with autistic spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorder is a term used to describe a heterogeneous group of children whose behavioral characteristics overlap with clinical signs and symptoms with different developmental disorders. That’s the reason why currently it is accepted that autism spectrum disorders are due to different etiologies is why ranging from the genetic and phenotypic consistent with molecular bases clinical and genetic complex, which only makes clear that it due to a brain development and atypical behavior.

However, there are significant coexistence between the phenotype of disorders of autism spectrum disorders and multiple genetic disorders, metabolic disorders, neuromuscular disorders muscular dystrophy as Duchene and Becker, tuberous sclerosis, sleep disorders, epilepsy, and other extra neurological problems such as gastrointestinal dysfunction.

In the last 10 years advances in genetics have allowed questioning the current nosological model implicit in the diagnostic manuals since both the categorical nature and comorbidity detected from applications of the diagnostic criteria are unsustainable in the light of the studies that are considering other possible explanations, from genetic aberrations, difficulties peri and post natal the presence of viruses and of course the environmental conditions which with the classical paradigms of a gene for a disease or even a behavior pattern distinctive for each entity are concepts that are restricted to specific cases. 

Hence the list is built under the study of different genes associated from those involved in the remodeling of chromatin and regulation of gene expression, the dynamics of actin in the cytoskeleton, the scaffolding of proteins in the synapse, transporters and receptors, second messengers, molecules for cell adhesion and secretion of proteins.

However, so far, no clinical or biological explanation which characterizes the autism spectrum disorders as Autism phenotype is found in multiple and different types of processes both neurobiological as clinicians so it is difficult to delineate a border between it and all other disorders the development potential that may affect one or more brain functions.

The called triad development involving reciprocal social interaction, communication, and language domains is usually considered, but they must add the level of intelligence that creates borders between typical of Kanner autism disorder and disorder Asperger, same which has been revised in recent months due to its great adaptive capacity.

However, despite all the research, and advances in all fields of medical, psychiatric and Neurosciences, still exist people who take advantage of the desperation and lack of knowledge of parents to sell miracle cures, treatments cognitive behavioral based on inflexible rules that explain without more diffident which and how children with autistic spectrum disorders learn or not.

Currently, different groups are following the idea that parents are the best therapists providing tools for personalized and specific attention and real environments to children on the basis of the idea that there is something like a brain concluded in nature, but it creates prototypes that are modified throughout life with flexible and adaptable connections to the environment.

So this year at April 2nd when the world celebrate the autism day, rather than ask for a cure, (because it is not a disease) or more research, I ask that there are ethical and committed professionals with children and family’s needs and not only the money that some families are willing to offer in desperation.

I also ask that there are professionals that provide scientific information so better accept the differences and we set aside the myth of a brain that works from established rules.

Álvarez, I., y Camacho-Arroyo, I. (2010) Bases genéticas del autismo. Acta Pediátrica Mexicana.31 (1) 22-28

Artigas-Pallarés, J., Guitart, M., y  Gabau-Vila E.  (2013) Bases genéticas de los trastornos del desarrollo. Revista de Neurología. 56 (Supl 1): S23-S34.

Dzib-Goodin, A. (2012) El virus HHV-6 y sus efectos en el neurodesarrollo: un estudio de caso. Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia. 13 (3) 150-153.

Dzib-Goodin, A. (2012) El virus HHV-6 y su relación con los trastornos del desarrollo. Cuadernos de Neuropsicología. 6(2) 86-94.

Dzib Goodin, A. (2013) Programa de neuromodulación ambiental asistida para el tratamiento de trastornos del desarrollo. Available at: http://neurocognicionyaprendizaje.blogspot.com/2013/02/programa-de-neuromodulacion-ambiental.html

Elder, J. (2013) Empowering families in the treatment of Autism. Recent Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 1 (C15) 321-339.

Guney, E. Iseri, E. (2013) Genetic and environmental factors in autism. Recent Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 1 (C22) 501-518.

Martos-Pérez, J., Freire-Prudencio, S., González-Navarro, A., Llorente-Comí, M., y Ayuda-Pascual, R. (2013) Evolución y seguimiento de los trastornos del espectro autista. Revista de Neurología. 56 (Supl 1): S61-S66.

Tuchman, RF. (2013) Deconstruyendo los Trastornos del Espectro Autista: perspectiva clínica. Revista de Neurología. 56 (Supl 1): S3-S12.

Image used to illustrate this post has Copyright.

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013


Some say the process of underdevelopment, begins long before conception since it depends on the primary cells and their conditions so that it can develop properly the Nervous System Central

The race begins with the meeting between the sperm and the ovule. Both cells must contain a specific genetic load and determined to prevent hazards effacement, you overlap, mosaicism or lack of alleles or genetic material elsewhere. Both cells combine their material, resulting in a single cell.

Also it is known that there must be a correct proteinaceous  load  to ensure the success of the process design.

So that what generates the diversity of races and physical features is genetic recombination which undergoes each generation, but each individual is genetically different from everyone else (except if you have an identical twin), since the variety of eggs or sperm that are formed along the life is so great that for practical purposes only can say that none of them is equal to the other. Thus, mutations are the raw material of genetic diversity, but is  even greater and less controllable in species with sexual reproduction, facing all the time different genomes .

Subsequent to this process is said that the Meiosis which is a process of cell division in which a diploid cell (2n) undergoes two successive divisions, with the capacity to produce four haploid cells (n).

This process is carried out in two divisions nuclear and cytoplasmic, called first and second division meiotic or simply meiosis I and meiosis II.Both are part of  of the prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

In the interface is duplicated genetic material is shared while that homologous chromosomes are divided into two daughter cells in meiosis I , the phenomenon of cross-breeding.

Once you pass this stage, it is possible the beginning of meiosis II, like in a mitosis, each chromatid migrates to a pole. The result is 4-cell daughters haploid (n).

During meiosis are matched member of each homologous pair of chromosomes during prophase, forming bivalent. During this phase it developed a protein structure called the synaptonemal complex, allowing recombination between two homologous chromosomes that occurs during this phase. 

Subsequently a large chromosomal condensation occurs and the bivalent are situated on the equatorial plate during the first metaphase, resulting in the migration of nchromosomes to each of the Poles during the first anaphase. 

This reduction division is responsible for the maintenance of the characteristic of each species chromosome number. 

In meiosis II, the chromatids that form each chromosome separate and are distributed to the daughter cells nuclei. Between these two successive stages there is no stage S (DNA replication). The maturation of the daughter cells gives rise to the gametes.

Something important to note in this regard is that the genome of a human normal consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, the inherited by mother and father inherited that form each pair, but in total there are 24 pairs of chromosomes that 2 correspond to the sex chromosomes X and the and, which combine in XX if you are female and XY if it’s a male.

All this takes place in a relatively short period of time and in spite of being a process necessary for the reproduction of the human species, is not a perfect process; errors in meiosis are sometimes responsible for the main chromosomal anomalies. Meiosis manages to keep constant the number of chromosomes in the cells of the species to maintain the genetic information. In general, members of a chromosome pair are not in close proximity either at rest or during mitotic division cell. The only time they enter into intimate contact is during the meiotic divisions or germ cell maturation.

This process continued during the following weeks the cells begin to migrate and give way to another process called referred to as phase of cell proliferation to one in which the cells that compose the Nervous System (neurons and glial cells) originate or are born.

Of the different stages of Morphogenesis is this which can properly be considered as the phase of neurogenesis.

Since it is known that the development of the human brain starts very early, around 3 to 4th week of gestational age and continues, although at a declining rate, until adulthood. And this development is characterized by the occurrence of 2 major organizational events. 

The first begins with the conception and includes neuroregulation events, proliferation, migration, and differentiation, the second occurs after birth. It has been proposed that these events are controlled by genetic factors and epigenetic (non-mutational phenomena but that vary the expression of a gene, such as the development of proteins or blocking of certain neurotransmitters) that originate neural structures sensitive to external influences.
 In humans this stage of development occurs in the fourth week of gestation from the neuroepithelium, which is made up of the calls of CNS stem cells. This stem cell progenitor, which also glioblasts or immature neurons produce called cells. Once born neurons, that as it has been said are still immature, they lose their reproductive ability. The glioblasts, however, retain their reproductive capacity throughout life.

This phase covers until about the fifth month of gestation; although we cannot forget that it does not occur simultaneously in all neural tube, but that each region has its own period of neurogenesis. The process does not end there, but rather so that we can properly talk of nervous system cells that compose it still must go through different times.

After this phase of cell proliferation occurs cell migration, in which nerve cells migrate to their final location; the radial glia is the support through which neurons can reach their final location. 

Cells in these phases are still undifferentiated, so go to the stage of neuronal differentiation to acquire the morphological and physiological characteristics of the mature neuron. Also, establish different connections (synapses), while the development establishes many more synapses than necessary during synaptogenesis, with which many of these connections are subsequently eliminated. In addition, during fetal development the human creates many more neurons than needs, so those that are functionally superfluous die (this neuronal death is known as neuronal apoptosis and can reach between 25% and 75% of neurons created).

It is so nervous tissue formation begins with the formation of a simple tube, the so-called neural tube and from the induction of the neuroectoderm (this is part of the ectoderm that is the outermost cell primary embryothat originates the central and peripheral, nervous systems including some glial cells), this process occurs in the human between the third and fourth gestational week. 

Once formed the neural tube occurs a differentiation in three dimensions: the first leads to the spinal cord, the second will give rise to stem and brain stem and the cerebellum, while the third portion will develop the cerebral hemispheres. This stage is called a fore brain, this  process that occurs between the fifth and tenth gestational week and during which develops an active neurogenesis (neuron development) from neural precursor cells, which have a special feature and is not mature and do not proliferate, because we will have to wait for the next moment for such differentiation.

Between the eighth and eighteenth gestational week, occurs an active neuronal proliferation, the precursor cells begin to differentiate to produce new precursor cells and neuronal cells such are different neurons as glial (cells astrocytes and oligodendrocytes).

The speed of proliferation in this period is impressive since they form around 200,000 neurons per minute. However it occurs gradually, after passing through several cycles of cell division, it stops. Even if it is unknown what starts and then stops the mechanism of proliferation in any region, it is clear that the periods are rigidly determined, what determines this differentiation, however, is still a mystery, although we know that it depends on neural factors specific to the region of the brain where it occurs and functions which will exert. 

Differentiated cells begin to emigrate from ventricular areas (Central) to the more peripheral areas of the brain (neocortex) training. I.e. which begin first occupies the deeper layers of the cortex layers, while those that start later, occupy the uppermost layers.

So between the 2nd and 4th month of intrauterine life produces an explosion of cell proliferation, known as neurogenesis, while in between the 3rd and 5th month occurs the migration of neurons, guided by processes glial based on chemical signals and neural growth factors, mediated by regulatory genes that determine the activity of other genes in a defined sequence and for precise periods and in specific regions. 

It is then when cerebral malformations that relate to the brain organization, including delayed neuronal migration disorders occur.This radial migration of neurons to the periphery used glial cells as a guide since these form a scaffolding that facilitates the movement of neurons. 

Neuronal migration occurs mainly in two regions in the thalamus and hypothalamus, where the oldest neurons are pushed by more new neurons, by which the first will be located in the periphery.On the other hand, in regions of the brain structure of laminar, as it is the case of the cortex and the cerebellum, neurons more young people migrate to break through to the oldest, whereupon the latter will sit closer of the neuroepithelium and the more young people on the periphery.
Neuronal migration process takes place between the 10th second and the twenty fourth gestational week. 

During neurogenesis and neuronal migration, approximately 50% of neurons undergo apoptosis, i.e. die in a programmed way, probably because they do not follow the correct course of emigration or because they do not receive adequate stimuli, the correct answer is still a mystery. 

A certain proportion of the neurons that survive (20%) Trek horizontally and one after emigration radial, to allow the formation of lamination (segmentation) cortex, it is so neurons looking his way, motivated by chemical stimuli (Neurotropic factors), extending its structure in one of its ends, resulting in the so-called axonal growth cones.

Simultaneously with the neuronal migration occurs in synaptogenesis (formation of synapses), although this is much more intense between the twelfth and the twelfth fourth gestational week, but persists in a very active way until the eighth or ninth month post natal.

It is interesting to note that pre natal synaptogenesis is mainly determined by the genetic heritage of the individual. However, in the stage post natal synaptogenesis is also affected by sensory experiences, particularly through the learning process. 

Thus, during puberty, occurs a sort of freeze on neurogenesis, which has been associated with the acquisition of the own and particular character of each individual. Myelination is a late process that starts in way more intense from the 40ava week, occurs in the white matter and peripheral neurons 

Neurogenesis and the subsequent stages associated with this process morphogenic lead to the formation of approximately 100 billion neurons in the adult brain and several trillions of synapses. 

This implies that a significant number of the 30,000 genes that we have must be involved in this complex process, expressing together in simultaneous or sequential form. However, she has still not been achieved understand this prodigious process, because a region possessing 20,000 genes, is only 302 neurons and nerve tissue that form is far from having the functionality of the human brain.

The number of cells in the fetal brain is between 30 and 70% higher than the number of neurons in the adult. Surplus cells survive for a period of days to weeks, after which, on its own, starts a cascade of degenerative changes and a physiological process of programmed cell death. 

In the picture below, it is possible to observe the differences between birth and two years of development, although it seems that increased neuronal tangle, in reality there are what are they are less neurons with larger number of neural networks, connections between neurons, i.e. interneuronal communication, which allows a more robust network that ensure more specific skills.

In this sense, found that the selective removal of the synaptic connections, is a fundamental process in the cognitive development of the child, as has been observed relationship between changes in the gray matter of the frontal lobe and the evolution in the performance of cognitive tasks.

During the acceleration phase, occurs a large increase of dendritic extensions and small branch, which has been called dendritic arborization, that form numerous synapses, so that all cells and its extensions are arranged in layers and orient themselves, at the same time causing programmed cell death and differentiation and specialization neuronal This depending on the interactions with the environment and genetic factors. So crests of the neuronal branches are, density peaks occur at different ages, but also in different brain areas. 

Thus one fast and dense development both in the visual cortex and the hearing between the 3 and 4 postnatal months and maximum density, around the year of life can be observed. On the contrary, the growth of the prefrontal area is presented at the same age, but the peak is reached until after the first year of life. The only exceptions are granulated cells of the olfactory bulb, cerebellum, and hippocampus, which continue its genesis after birth and continue throughout life.

Brainly, myelination, that is an overlay of the neural connections by a specialized membrane which allows a proper transmission of nerve impulses, is fundamentally a made post natal, occurring in cycles, with a ranked stream by default, to thus start the neural connections, the most important, which will form the basis for all subsequent development. 

Thus, myelination greatly contributes to improve the functionality of the brain because it produces an increase in the speed of nerve impulse conduction. In this sense has been found that there is an increase in white matter during childhood, which probably reflects the increase in myelination.


Aguilar, F. (2005) Razones biológicas de la plasticidad cerebral y la restauración neurológica. Revista Plasticidad y Restauración Neurológica. Vol. 4 Num.1. 5-6.

Álvarez Buylla, A. & García Verdugo, J.M. (2002) Neurogenesis in adult subventricular zone. Journal of neuroscience. 22 (3) 629 - 634. 

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Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Drawing the soul and intelligence of a child

Bill Waterson wrote and illustrated a comic daily from November 18, 1985 to December 31, 1995, which exposed a child’s mind 6 year old that together with his toy Tiger, staged all sorts of adventures that over-invested in the imagination of their creator and touched the hearts and minds of many.

Imagination and creativity are the main ingredients of the stories without a educational goal but helped to many to understand children mind, criticizing the society and above of all, exposing the role of education in childhood.

Once I gave a lecture and I began showing a book that most had taught me about child cognition and when I show Calvin and Hobbes, audience was ready to leave the Auditorium, but examples could not show in a better way how some children watch reality and the way that as adults we mold their minds.

Wikipedia says this famous couple received their name from a French theologian called John Calvino who lived in the 16th century, and Hobbes receives its name as a tribute to Thomas Hobbes, who was an English philosopher born in the 17TH century and no doubt the brilliance of both characters do honor to the pair's minds that gave their them names.

The stories go around a friendship impossible to break between Calvin, an American child and its Tiger toy named Hobbes, who likes to eat tuna, and together live all sorts of adventures using simple elements that are in their environment.

Calvin is the only one who can talk and see Hobbes beyond its figure of Tiger rag.  Calvin’s parents are constantly watching him doing crazy things but almost never intervene in its mental activities. Finally, it does not hurt anyone.

The stories always reflect the friendship and the discoveries that Calvin shares with his Tiger, which always has a phrase to his little friend and rarely seen interacting with parents, which appear in the stories only to substantiate the role of the family and adults in children's lives.

Of course Waterson took advantage of this space of expression to criticize various society sphere, from the incongruity of the parents to educate children, as is the case with this mini story where Calvin is showing signs that it has learned that does not like her mom that soiled the floor...

To education as a means of personal development, which also is even stronger as the child is who confronts to society with the firm idea of maybe education is not exactly the best thing for him. 

But from a cognitive level that impacts of the history is the ability of Calvin and Hobbes to understand the world, resolve dilemmas and course, adapt to their reality, hence it is not difficult to find examples that explain this child thought, for example the Piagetian notions, where the first instance draws the child's ability to observe the reality and try to explain it but it fails to understand the transformation of the object up to abstract and explain such complex issues as the first movement law of Newton and if you find it hilarious explanation, take into account that only Calvin is 6 years old and uses mental resources at its disposal to explain something that students only repeated or copied a text and that even for an average adult is a complex issue.
Of course later you will be able to apply the laws of physics not to bother, but as an example that the theories of physics are applied to reality. This reveals a child's capacity to understand and apply the same which are transformed into planning and execution of ideas that are not always well received by adults:

So it is possible to look at the cognitive ability of children beyond what classrooms give in a limited way, sometimes restricting even the inventive capabilities of children.

It is true that this is just a cartoon, but can all children understand the world?. 

Of course back then Deficit of attention was not so popular, otherwise Calvin would have ended up with a psychologist who would have undoubtedly applied thousands of tests to ensure that the child had brain damage.

On occasions Calvin shared his imagination with the adults, who do not appreciated it and maybe time has been so he decided to take refuge in Hobbes, with whom he had a Pact of respect and also became his best friend, this allowed him to get away from the world of adults, who harassed him with obligations and meals never enjoyed.

As a result, it was possible to enjoy their occurrences, creative wonders and compelling explanations that were always you sprinkle by the games between them, always together, without barriers of thought, without violence and when the same emerging, everything ended with a hug between the two.

This image is an example of how the author was able to understand the child mind. It is true that the author is an adult, but in only 4 drawings reminds us that objects have a thousand and one uses, same that we cannot in the adult world, where there is an endless list of No´s. 

Reflective thinking, use and management of information, Metacognition are just some topics explored in the mind of a child who looked at life beyond what adults are usually allowed with which makes us ask ourselves when did we stop seeing life so simple?.

So beyond school and all its obligations is always possible to have fun for children, and this is something that Calvin understands perfect, because he found out that most of tasks are not read by teachers, did you laugh? Let us reflect a little what we do every day in the classroom, where only inflate weak ideas, poor reasoning becomes dark and inhibits the clarity, and everything sounds so elegant!.

 I want to believe author reflected so much this child happiness that helps us to have inspiration every day and give us an example of the child genius that we ignore our rush to watch them grow as men and women of good by, without remembering that today they sometimes children, able to see the different life, and which gradually learning to be afraid of errors and to adult life

Perhaps that makes this story so sophisticated from the point of view of children's cognitive development, because when the adults look at them, we do it with our own perspectives and dogmatic theories that search to explain the functioning of all, without allowing us to simply listen.

Waterson captured it perfect in this cartoon, where he asks Calvin inspiration and Calvin responds: “Maybe I don’t feel inspired what’s it worth to you?”.

Faithful sample of adults expect a lot from children, but we don't hear them, just give them obligations.

I hope one day to be able to schools to remember that children are more than answers in an exam and the World Bank numbers which guarantee funds that continue to perpetuate an education that binds to a desk and kills creativity. Hopefully one day... we can have many Calvins talking to Hobbes on philosophy, physics or on how to enjoy summers to the fullest.

Note, if you want to see the images so that they can read, just click on either and all images will appear in actual size.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Organisational structure of the nervous system: Large areas

If human brain is analyzed in a unsophisticated way, we can see the level of the molars structures, these are large areas referring to the hemispheric divisions and major structures. For example, a division that analyzes the brain from the halves, which is called them left hemisphere and the right hemisphere.

A finding that caused uproar in the neuroscience field was the discovering that if they study the two halves, they are not used for the same functions, this is each hemispheregoverns motor skills (relating to the movement) and sensory (related to the senses) on the opposite side of the body, but is that one side of the brain is clearly dominant. This is known as hemispheric dominance and this domain determines if the individual will be right-handed or left-handed (Ayan, 2005).

The following image served a first mapping of functions, and although many have taken it as a rule, the brain does not work so coordinated and deterministic, is capable of making more flexible functions if required.

As you can see in the image, the brain functions are often divided on both sides, however, even though it has traditionally been attributed to the left hemisphere management of logical and intellectual, work related to people with large capacity for reasoning and the right hemisphere is known as the artistic and emotional side represented by artistic concerns, both are related from the other actually, occur as complementary since the art, for example, requires logical thinking and logical thinking has a touch of romanticism.

Another myth that has been maintained for a long time is that men are all left hemisphere, since they employ logic and cognitive skills, while women are all right hemisphere, as they are tender and retailers. This however, is only a sexist war, since both hemispheres work together.

This collaborative work is accomplished by the hemispheres are not isolated each other, a structure called the Corpus Callosum unites them. This structure is the larger interhemispheric commissure and connects across both hemispheres. The Corpus Callosum is composed of approximately 180-200 millions of axons that mostly come from the cells of the cerebral cortex and is capable of carrying 400 million pulses per second (Siffredi, Anderson, Leventer, Spencer-Smith, 2013; Steele, Bailey, Zatorre, and Penhune, 2013).

This growth takes place primarily during the pre natal period following a pattern of development from front to back and is the way that both hemispheres are intimately related and the reason why the impulses of a hemisphere and another make sense and relate them (Quintero Gallego, Manaut, Rodríguez, Pérez Santamaría, Gomez, 2003).

In addition, there is another structure forgotten most of the time, but it has gained strength in many researches by its role in the processing of the movement and some cognitive functions and is the cerebellum, which is considered a neuronal system responsible for regulating movements with very well defined actions on coordination, posture, tone and control of eye movements and fine movements, whose geometric organization was described by Ramón y Cajal in 1911 and that has also given rise to many assumptions and controversies during the past years, since the cerebellar cognitive functions have taken boom, as ever gathered more evidence of the involvement of this structure in the modulation of emotional control, sexuality and memory cognitive processes, as well as in the planning or the strategies of learning or language (Arriaga - Mendicoa, Otero - silicon and Crown - Vazquez, 1999;  Mediavilla, Molina and Puerto , 1996; Schlerf, Ivry and Diedrichsen, 2012).

One of those in charge of investigating this structure was Watson, who came to the conclusion that this structure could intervene in sensory processing (auditory, visual, tactile...), during the learning process. Previously, Marr, Albus, Eccles and other authors had developed his theories about the role of the learning of motor skills in cerebellar cortex, as well as emotion, motivation and reward processes (cited in Watson, 1978).

Well, from the end of 1960´s decade diverse neuroscientist  have developed different theories involving the cerebellum in motor skills learning and assume that this does not participate much in the acquisition of a sequence of movements, but in which they seem fluid and skilful, i.e., well learned.

In this sense, the main implication of the model proposed by Marr in the early 60s (cited in Mediavilla, Molina and Port, 1996) would be the cerebellum to learn to execute motor skills and that, when that happens, a simple or incomplete message of the cerebellum may cause the execution. To analyze the role of this structure, studies have been carried out with professional dancers, who depend on good cerebellar coordination to run his art.

Also has been implicated to the cerebellum in complex mental functions but not yet be determined with participation of processes and the way it does. In any case, the evidence supporting the consideration of the cerebellum as a learning machine, as defined it the classical theories, that define it as a structure that could be used for all kinds of neural, autonomic, motor or mental control (verbal and non-verbal) are increasing (Fatemi, Aldinger, Ashwood, Bauman, Blaha, Blatt, Chauhan, Chauhan, Dager, and Dickson, 2012).

A remarkable proof of involvement of the cerebellum in motor learning provided it the fact that, after this type of learning, synaptogenesis (emergence of new connections between neurons) occurs in the cerebellar cortex, which means that this structure is necessary and creates connections that work for the benefit of the process (Black, Isaacs, Anderson, Alcantara, and Greenough, 1990).


Arriaga –Mendicoa,  N., Otero – Silicio, E.  y Corona – Vázquez, T. (1999) Conceptos actuales sobre cerebelo y cognición. Rev. Neurol. 29- 1064-1075.

Ayan, S. (2005) Right brain may be wrong. Scientific American Mind. Vol. 16. Num. 2. 82-84.

Black, J.E., Isaacs, K.R., Anderson, B.J., Alcantara, A.A. y Greenough, W.T. (1990). Learning causes synaptogenesis, whereas motor activity causes angiogenesis, in cerebellar cortex of adult rats. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 87, 5568-5572.

Fatemi, H., Aldinger, KA., Ashwood, P., Bauman, ML., Blaha, D., Blatt, GJ., Chauhan, A., Chauhan V., Dager, SR., and Dickson, PE. (2012) Consensus paper: Pathological role of the cerebellum in Autism. The Cerebellum. 11 (3) 777-807.

Mediavilla, C.,  Molina, F.  y  Puerto, A. (1996) funciones no motoras del cerebelo. Psicothema. Vol. 8, nº 3, pp. 669-68.

Quintero Gallego, E., Manaut, E., Rodríguez, E., Pérez Santamaría, J., Gómez, C. (2003) Desarrollo diferencial del cuerpo calloso en relación con el hemisferio cerebral.  Revista española de neuropsicología. 5. 1. 49-64.

Schlerf, J., Ivry, RB., and Diedrichsen, J. (2012) Encoding of sensory prediction errors in the human cerebellum. The Journal of Neuroscience. 32 (14) 4913- 4922.

Siffredi, V., Anderson,, V., Leventer, RJ., Spencer-Smith,  MM. (2013) Neuropsychological profile of agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: A systematic Review. Developmental Neuropsychology.38 (1) 36-57.

Steele, CJ., Bailey, JA., Zatorre, RJ., and Penhune, VB. (2013) Early musical training and white-matter plasticity in the corpus callosum: Evidence for a sensitive period. The Journal of Neuroscience. 33 (3) 1282- 1290.

Watson, P.J. (1978) Nonmotor functions of the Cerebellum. Psychol. Bulletin, 85(5), 944-967.